Blogging Well

blogger.jpgTime out from any overall wellness tips for a bit about blogging well. Now blogging’s not my area of expertise, and you’re not likely to see any future posts here about it, but I had to let you in on what I think it takes do do something well that isn’t your area of expertise.

1. Put an expert on your team.
Actually, put several on board. I hired blogging pro, Julie Hood, at YourBlogTeam (YBT) to help me get going and troubleshoot as I go. I also subscribe to some additional (and fabulous) bloggers’ feeds so I can learn a bit more. Namely, Liz Strauss, ChrisG, and Yaro Starak.

2. Acquire compelling & practical education that suits your learning style.
In this realm, I began the Teaching Sells journey last October. And now, I’m excited to embark upon another adventure, as you will see below. Thanks go to Edward Mills at, and Julie Hood at YBT, for pointing out what appears to be a promising resource:

Simpleology’s New Offer

I’m evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they’re letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I’ll let you know what I think once I’ve had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it’s still free.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice
It’s what I’m doing as a blogger to learn to blog well (and btw, it’s also what I do in my own personal wellness regime.)

4. Get into a routine and rhythm
Be it blogging or a physical wellness routine, what rhythm suits you and what you are trying to achieve? Find one, stick with it, and experience the truth of what my friend, and author, Dan Millman says when he teaches that “Discipline equals Freedom.”

5. Evaluate & Course Correct
I’m learning this is key in the blog world, just as it is key in the wellness world. Implement, evaluate, tweak, implement again and so on.

Okay, enough tips about blogging well from a novice blogger. (btw, I hope you see these same tips apply to your personal wellness regime:)

So, what do YOU do to blog well? Love to hear it!