Wellness Coaches and Wellness Practitioners: 10 Ways to Leverage Your Time and Brilliance

Time And MoneyThis little post is about a big concept: Leverage – the brilliant idea of doing more with each word you write, each talk you give and each class you give. It certainly is the most brilliant idea for business and life that I’ve ever embraced.

Leverage is making the most of each action. You might say it’s the “green approach” to managing the Wellness information that you and your Wellness business provide. Leverage is really the economical approach to energy output. It’s making the most of your valuable time and energy.

There are lots of ways to save and maximize time in your business day. You probably know many of them. In your quest to stop being the Lone Ranger and doing everything yourself, you may have already: hired a virtual assistant; got a great bookkeeper; and stock up quarterly on office supplies, batteries and copier ink cartridges. But how about leveraging the information that you provide as a way to maximize your time, brilliance and energy output?

Leveraging the Wellness information that you provide is a key business habit to develop. Each time you provide information to one or more clients, simply ask yourself these questions: “How can I leverage this information so that it will reach many more people?” “How can I repurpose, reuse, recycle and/or add spice to this information so that it can go farther out into the world?”

Here are 10 Ways to Leverage Your Time and Brilliance:

1. Record* your teleclasses, turn them into MP3 products, and post them on your website or blog;

2. Record* the upcoming Wellness presentations you’ll be giving, turn them into MP3 products, and post them on your website or blog;

3. Gather a few current clients, give them a free 1-hour teleclass or in-person presentation, record* the session and create an MP3 product.

4. Write a blog post, then copy it, tweak if needed and submit it as an article to wellness magazines, trade journals, on-line publications.

5. Gather all past blog posts. Identify the top 10-20 most juicy, most commented-on and most relevant posts. Assemble them and create a simple Free Top Wellness Posts ebook. Voila! A new product made from re-purposed material.

6. Finishing up with a client? Make it a habit to ask for a testimonial. Then send a sample testimonial via email to make it easier for them to write their own.

7. Give a new, inspiring, free presentation, lecture, or talk at a health club or day spa…and record it (getting permission from the venue manager and attendees to do so)*. Get emails and names from attendees to build your own list (also clear this ahead of time with the venue manager.). Give out self-addressed postcards at the end of the talk and ask for a one-sentence testimonial about their experience. Turn the recording into an MP3 and post on your site. (Lots of leverage here.)

8. Join groups on Facebook and/or LinkedIn where your potential clients are hanging out. Notice the top questions being asked. Join the conversation, give freely of your opinion and information. Then make notes of your general responses and types of questions being asked, keeping confidential all references to specific people. Expand your answers and use as the basis for a new blog post. (Example: Someone in a group I’m a part of asked about ways to save time. I answered briefly then expanded the idea for this post.)

9. Next time you place an ad in a newspaper or on-line, make it MORE than an announcement of who you are. Leverage the opportunity and put a give-away item right into the ad. (Example: Nancy Smith, RDA, 123 Main Street, 123-555-1234, specialist in weight loss. Call me for a free 20-minute wellness strategy session.)

10. Hire someone to transcribe any recordings* into written text. Use this information for blog pots, articles, and information products.


*Note: anytime you record a teleclass, lecture or presentation, it is critical, ethical, respectful and lawful that you get permission to record the session from those in attendance. Preferably in writing.


You are a reservoir of incredibly valuable information. Yes, others may know some of the same or similar information, but the way that you deliver that information, like your thumbprint, is unique to you.

That thumbprint of you is what your clients come to you for and return to you for. When you provide information with your thumbprint, you need to focus on making it go far and wide and to do so as easily as possible.

Imbed the concept of leverage into your mind. Doing so is simply a matter of applying some Environmental Awareness to your business environment. So when it comes to information that you provide:

• Reuse what you can.

• Recycle what you can.

• Renew, refresh and re-gift what you can.

• Record and Transcribe as much as you can.

To Your Wellth,


P.S. Our new Wellness Coaching Certification Report is now available! This report will help you make a more confident and strategic decision when choosing the right Wellness Coaching training and certification path and program for you! Click here or in the header for more info.

Time to Get off the Fence: 7 Tips to Simplify Decision-Making (Part 1 of 2)

Two cowboys sitting on fenceWe’ve all been there. We’ll all be back. We’re human, and sitting on the fence a bit too long, pondering a decision, comes with the territory. I’m not referring to the fence sitting that is necessary when we’re facing major life decisions. I’m referring to those less critical, should-I-go-to this-event-or-not, or do-I-hire-this-person-or-not type of decisions — the kind of a decision that we can get stuck agonizing over, yet later might look back and chuckle at the energy we spent while ambivalent.

In my view, I think it all comes down to that final moment when we have to trust ourselves and just choose. We can review, analyze and get opinions from others all day long, but the end result is the same: we need to listen to our Inner Wisdom and just decide. To help you do so, I’ve put together a list of my favorite decision-making tips.

I’ve used each of the following tips and tools myself and select from among them, taking into account the nature of the decision I’m making.

Depending upon the importance, type and immediacy of the decision you face at the moment, some of these tips and tools will be more useful and applicable to you than others. Just don’t get stuck trying to decide which tool to use!

I’ll give you the first 4 Tips in this post, and provide the rest of the 7 in my next installment.

7 Tips to Simplify Decision-Making  (Tips 1-4)

1.  Stop…Breathe…Notice…Choose I first introduced this 4-step practice to you in my book, Seven Sacred Attitudes. I find that using the process when I’m stuck in indecision can be quite valuable. To do so, simply Stop action the next time you are struggling to make a choice. Just freeze in one spot. Now take a deep breath and pay close attention to what you are doing to yourself while you are struggling. Notice the details of your breath, shoulders, position of your body and any tension in your muscles. Notice the prison of indecision you have created in your mind – are you telling yourself that the choice of a movie or book is critical? Are you stressing yourself out wondering whether you should attend a social event or not? Just notice. Then take another deep breath and, using your intuition, simply Choose.

Notes: This technique is useful when you have already analyzed the heck out of a situation or when the stakes are not too high to risk an unanalyzed choice.

2.  Ask your Board of Directors what they would do. Don’t worry if you don’t have an actual Board of Directors. This technique involves some active imagination and is, as those of you who work with me will testify, often better accessed while in the shower.

When you have a few minutes of solitude, close your eyes and bring to mind a large oak table in a beautiful meeting room – perhaps a room with large windows overlooking a forest and creek. Now picture your ideal Board of Directors sitting around the table — all of them present to help you in your decision-making process. Your Board Members can be anyone you choose, presently living or not, and real or animated.

You can vary who you “invite” to sit on your Board, depending upon the type of decision you’re making. [I’ve been known to “invite”: Walt Disney, if I’m facing a creative decision; Donald Trump, if I’m making a real estate decision; Loral Langemeier, if I’m making a business development decision; an entire football team (okay, the Buffalo Bills right now) and their coach if I’m making a hiring decision and want good teamwork input; and John F. Kennedy, if I’m making a leadership decision.]

Go ahead and put anybody around that imaginary table that your big heart desires. Now put the decision in question before your Board. I even dare you to talk aloud while doing this. Take on the voice of any and all of your Board Members as they each tell you what they would do. When you have had enough input, thank them all and send them on their way. Emerge from the “session” (or shower) with a fresh perspective on the decision.

Notes: This is one of my favorite tools. It can be used in either the beginning or final phases of making decisions that are as important as whether or not to hire a specific employee, or which product to sell, or as simple as which color to paint your office.

3.  Act “as if” for an hour or a day. This tool also requires some imagination. If you are deciding between two options (i.e. deciding which of two new pieces of office equipment to purchase) or two actions to take (i.e. deciding whether to attend a week-long seminar or stay home and work on that new book), this technique will be helpful in the decision between the two options you’re considering.

Depending upon how much time you have available, and also depending upon how big of a choice this is, set aside an appropriate time period (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week).

For that entire period, act “as if” you have decided on Option 1. Get into it. Absolutely pretend that you have decided on this option, are excited about the choice, and get on with the rest of that period “as if” you’d really made the choice. Put aside any consideration for the other option. Don’t even think about it.

Speak “as if” you’ve made the choice for Option 1, try it out by telling someone else you made the choice, and feel the freedom of having made a decision. Now, when the hour, day or week ends, go ahead and set another time period aside, identical in duration.

You guessed it – you’ll now act “as if” you’ve made the choice for Option 2. The same guidelines apply. Talk, walk, and act “as if” you’ve opted for Option 2. When the entire experiment is over, you will have a much better idea of which Option is the right one for you (and I’ll bet you’ll know even before you’re finished acting “as if” for the entire period!)

4.  Try this “Basic Option Evaluation” technique by Brian Clegg. Click here and try out this exercise from Brian Clegg‘s book, Crash Course in Personal Development. Likely to appeal to you when you want to make a logical, well-reasoned decision, this exercise provides a great way to evaluate your options when you are choosing among a number of different things. It will help you rank the options according to logical criteria.


Now Take Action! Choose one tip above that you are willing to put into practice. When is NOW a good time to get started?  No fence-sitting allowed:) I’ll be back in the next post to give you 3 more tips for making other decisions. Just pick one of these for now and give it a try.


I look forward to hearing about your experience…